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Broadcasters, journalists and relief workers in Haiti are turning to social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook to get in contact with each other as normal means of communication are, at times, rendered useless. Daniel Sieberg reports.
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"CBS Evening News" anchor Katie Couric previews extensive coverage from Haiti, as U.S. military forces attempt to assess the heavy damage in this area for rescue relief efforts.
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A crammed airport in Haiti has led the FAA to temporarily stop American planes from entering Haiti. Katie Couric reports that coordinating the relief effort has become a monumental challenge.
Promoted Result Già vedendo le coppie, il risultato era immaginabile. In doppio, due giocatori tecnici come Federer e Sampras partivano favoriti contro i bombardieri Nadal e Agassi. Ma quello che contava, nellesibizione giocata a Indian Wells in favore dei terremotati di Haiti, era lo spettacolo nel vedere impegnati i ...
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Scott Pelley reports on the most vulnerable victims of Haiti's earthquake, children who not only face hunger, disease and sexual assault, but a form of...
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From CBS.
Season 3, Episode 15: Fallon flies to Haiti for a divorce. In a confused state, Jeff signs his voting control over to Alexis and she now has the power to control Blake's company.
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From CBS.
After the devastating earthquake in Haiti, billions of dollars have been raised in relief efforts. As Sharyl Attkisson reports, many Haitians are still suffering, so where has all the money gone?
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CBS News' Jeff Glor reports from the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince, four days after a devastating earthquake left most of this area in rubble, as rescue operations turns to a recovery mission.
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