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Teresa Mak Ka Kei or Mak Ka Ki is a Hong Kong actress signed to ATV. She has appeared in many drama serials and movies and is fairly popular in Hong Kong.
... Troublesome the Declaration of curse (Wayne Lai, Roland, Sherming Yiu) 11, yin and yang Road, pull up a ghost Luo life (Rowland, Tan little ring, Teresa Mak) 12, yin and yang Road, beauty dead (Roland, Zhang Hao Long, Zhang Huiyi, ...
ewaffle, I also have an affection for Teresa Mak. I'm not quite sure when it started? My favorite film of hers, in a supporting role, has to be Billy Tang's Streets of Fury. It is one of my favorite HK films and I think her performance ...
Wong Jing, Teresa Mak and "Love Me, Love My Money". Wong Jing has been successful and controversial for decades. One of the most prolific filmmakers in Hong Kong in the 1980s and 1990s when movies came out faster than the distributors ...
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